Tuesday, January 28, 2014

First Student Teaching Post!

Wow! What a great three weeks!  I am in a third grade classroom in Hallsville ISD.  I didn't get super excited about third grade when I found out this is where I was I gonna be, but I have found that third grade is awesome! I love my students and my cooperating teacher.

Third grade is fun because you can joke with them a little more and they still give hugs!  Yes, there may be a few that have learned to talk back, but some are still excited to learn and want to do well for you.

I love Hallsville ISD.  The students are allowed to talk at lunch and they have multiple opportunities for the students to be social.  This is also great because you, as a teacher, get to build a relationship with the students.  This is so great because they learn that they can trust you and that you really do care about their lives and their interests.  If they belive that, then they will be more willing to perform in the classroom.  

I am enjoying how the teachers here in Hallsville really work as a team.  They area not afraid to ask for help or share their new ideas.  The third grade team meshes together so well and it really benifits the students. I love being on this campus.  I wish I could stay here the whole semester, but I know that those Kindergarteners in Marshall ISD are going to teach me lots of new things too!

Here is a panorama from my desk!

Tuesday, November 19, 2013

The Hungry Alligator Lesson

Last Thursday I taught the whole classroom of first graders for the first time!! Probably the most awesome feeling ever.  This is the first time I have gathered activities and materials and put them together AND taught it all.  I suddenly feel like a real teacher and it feels pretty good.

So anyways, let me fill you in on the details.

My teacher asked me to review the students on comparing numbers.  You know!  The greater than and less than signs that barely make sense to us (or maybe just me) still.  Well the first thing that popped into my mind was the hunger alligator.  I used to always draw and eyeball and teeth on my greater than/ less than signs.  I started thinking of what could I do to make this stick in first grader's heads?  And this is what I came up with...


I used green poster board for the head, the biggest wiggly eyes I could find, and copy paper for the teeth.  I didn't get the sturdiest poster board so I broke one of my old coat hangers to keep the mouth open. 

I printed out a lot of paper fish.  I used the paper fish to help the students
Friday, November 8, 2013

Creating a Unit

   As I have mentioned before, the scary 'Unit Class' is something that all education major's at ETBU have to conquer.  Well we have finally started digging in to the project.  Let's just say that I'm neck deep in lesson plans and schedules.  Our unit is focused on learning how life in Marshall, TX in the past is different from the present.  We will have the third graders create an online book that will be available on the App Store!  Pretty exciting if you ask me, but we have a WAYS to go before its ready to be presented on December 5th!

   On top of all of that, I am teaching a 45 minute lesson on comparing numbers next week in my first grade classroom.  This is the first time I will be in control of the whole classroom AND teaching and reviewing them!  I was super nervous at first, but now I feel more confident and excited.  I have been brainstorming fun ideas (a.k.a.: reading blogs, Pinterest, TpT, etc.).  I think my main, fun activity will be having a few students come up and divide into uneven groups.  Then I'll have and oversized alligator head (googly eye and all) for another student to come up and pick which group the alligator would like more.  I think this would be fun and memorable for them!  I will keep y'all posted.  I obviously have a lot more to figure out, but I'm excited with what I have so far!

   Below, I have ideas that I like too!  I haven't decided what else I'm going to use yet though!  Please leave some ideas, modifications, or anything else!

Comparing Numbers Brad's
Comparing Numbers Spinners

Thank y'all for reading!
Friday, October 25, 2013

First Day in First Grade!

Yesterday was my first day in my first grade internship.  I love this classroom!  My teacher graduated from ETBU in 2007 and has been teaching for 6 years.  She is so sweet and makes me feel welcome in her classroom. 

The students were excited to have an new face in the classroom.  I got to listen to them read and watched them sound out words.  Its crazy to think that just a year ago they were where those kindergarteners were.  Learning is a cool, cool thing. 

My teacher used a lot of great classroom management tools.  I loved that she sang to the kids and the kids sang back.  She used a clip system in her classroom.  This is become very popular from my perspective. 

She used a lot of YouTube videos as transitions and introductions to the lessons she was teaching.  Here are a few:

I cannot wait to see what next Thursday will bring!  Have a beautiful day!
Tuesday, October 22, 2013

Last Day at Kindergarten...

Oh Thursday was a rough day. I loved my kindergarten classroom I was interning in. The students all gave me big hugs and said sweet goodbyes. I may or may not have cried in my car before I left the school. 

On Thursday I got to read a story to the class. This was my first time this semester being with the whole classroom. I had to manage them and extend lessons and use all of those things they taught us in all of those classes they make us take. I left that day feeling more confident and excited about teaching than ever. 

Hopefully I'll get to be back with those kids and their awesome teacher in January! 
Wednesday, October 16, 2013

Creating a Unit

      I am taking my Senior level courses at East Texas Baptist University this semester.  The class that is whispered about when you are taking your beginning education courses is.... THE UNIT CLASS!!
      Sounds kind of boring, right?  WRONG! It is super scary and intimidating!  Well at least it sounds that way a Sophomore walking around the Education building.  Turns out, its really interesting.  I would even call it exciting. 
      Now, we don't just walk in the first day and start planing a unit.  Oh no.  We begin by learning about different projects, technologies, and some history too.  We get our feet wet with this huge, scary project we are about to dive into. 
      Our class has just now begun to brainstorm our ideas for this unit.  Since our college is located in the historic town of Marshall, Texas, we have been focusing on diving deeper into it's rich history.  Friday, we are taking a field trip!  Who says college Seniors can't take field trips?  Our class is going to the Harrison County Historical Museum and the Starr Family Home.  I've never been to either and I love history, so saying I'm excited is a bit of an understatement.  My cousin, Mallory (also and Education Major), is flying in from Arizona tomorrow night so she is tagging along too! 
    I'm excited to see where this experience will take me in my teaching career. 

I hope all is well with y'all! Thanks for reading and have a blessed day!
Tuesday, October 15, 2013

Student Teaching Application is IN!

      WOOHOO!! Y'all! I'm all signed up for student teaching in the Spring! I'll hopefully know in a month or so where I am teaching and what grade level.  I'm hoping for Kindergarten and 1st grade in Marshall ISD and Hallsville ISD (I love Hallsville's PLC system). 
       It is getting so real and I cannot express my excitement in just words.  It's beginning to hit me that I am going to be a big grown up soon with my own classroom and my own students!
      Any who.... I just found a recipe for Double Chocolate Chip Frappuccinos (my favorite Starbucks drink)....

  • 1 cup of milk (whole, reduced fat, or skim. For a special treat, add coconut milk)
  • 2 tablespoons of sugar
  • 1/3 cup chocolate chips (mmm... chocolate!)
  • 3 tablespoons chocolate syrup (Hershey's will do)
  • 2 cups of ice
  • 1/8 teaspoon vanilla extract

Blend it all up and.... you've got yourself a Double Chocolaty Chip Frappuccino! Experiment and adjust the proportions to your liking. The above recipe makes enough for you and a couple friends.

You may want to experiment by adding cinnamon, nutmeg, coffee, toffee, maple syrup, or whip cream.

      Thank you, IceArdor!