Wednesday, October 16, 2013

Creating a Unit

      I am taking my Senior level courses at East Texas Baptist University this semester.  The class that is whispered about when you are taking your beginning education courses is.... THE UNIT CLASS!!
      Sounds kind of boring, right?  WRONG! It is super scary and intimidating!  Well at least it sounds that way a Sophomore walking around the Education building.  Turns out, its really interesting.  I would even call it exciting. 
      Now, we don't just walk in the first day and start planing a unit.  Oh no.  We begin by learning about different projects, technologies, and some history too.  We get our feet wet with this huge, scary project we are about to dive into. 
      Our class has just now begun to brainstorm our ideas for this unit.  Since our college is located in the historic town of Marshall, Texas, we have been focusing on diving deeper into it's rich history.  Friday, we are taking a field trip!  Who says college Seniors can't take field trips?  Our class is going to the Harrison County Historical Museum and the Starr Family Home.  I've never been to either and I love history, so saying I'm excited is a bit of an understatement.  My cousin, Mallory (also and Education Major), is flying in from Arizona tomorrow night so she is tagging along too! 
    I'm excited to see where this experience will take me in my teaching career. 

I hope all is well with y'all! Thanks for reading and have a blessed day!


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