Friday, October 25, 2013

First Day in First Grade!

Yesterday was my first day in my first grade internship.  I love this classroom!  My teacher graduated from ETBU in 2007 and has been teaching for 6 years.  She is so sweet and makes me feel welcome in her classroom. 

The students were excited to have an new face in the classroom.  I got to listen to them read and watched them sound out words.  Its crazy to think that just a year ago they were where those kindergarteners were.  Learning is a cool, cool thing. 

My teacher used a lot of great classroom management tools.  I loved that she sang to the kids and the kids sang back.  She used a clip system in her classroom.  This is become very popular from my perspective. 

She used a lot of YouTube videos as transitions and introductions to the lessons she was teaching.  Here are a few:

I cannot wait to see what next Thursday will bring!  Have a beautiful day!


  1. How neat that you get to see kindergarten and then the very next day see first grade! K and 1 have so much growth. It is the most exciting time academically, in my opinion. Of course that is all that I know! I am so glad that you are being welcomed into the classroom.
